Welcome and Have Fun! Thank you! =)

Hello and welcome to Azrin100 Cheats!
Have Fun With the Post on this blog! =)
Any Suggestion?

Send it to us on : azrin100clubpenguin@hotmail.com or @Azrin100 on Twitter!

I'm want to say Thank you because visit my blog! =)
Waddle On!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

My suggestion to Club Penguin Team!

Hello penguins!
This evening ( Malaysia Zone Time ) I was sent Club Penguin one suggestion!
This about language!
I was suggest to Club Penguin about added my national language, Malay Language!

Here the mail that I get from Club Penguin Team!

' Hey there Azrin100, Thank you because emailing the Club Penguin team. I see you have a brrr-illiant suggestion for Club Penguin. It would be awesome to have Club Penguin in Malay. As Club Penguin continues grow, is is our vision to one day include a variety of different languages from around the world. We definitely appreciated your feedback, and we will keep your suggestion in mind for creation Club Penguin in different languages. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please snowball them our way. We're a;ways looking put for new ways to improve the site.

Best Wishes,
Club Penguin Support.

Wow! They will keep my suggestion! I hope this suggestion will be accept it!
It will be easier to Club Penguin Malaysian Player like me!
Waddle on!


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